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On February 3rd, the Italian students from the I.I.S. Mario Rigoni Stern Bergamo center and who are participating in the Erasmus KA202 project that our center runs made the presentation Stop Cyberbullying, Sexting and Fake News.

The Digital Citenzenship that brings together these three topics, it is part of the curriculum of the Italian centers, and all the centers develop activities related to them to present them during the February 7 of each year, which is the day that claims to raise awareness about these problems.

digital citizenship

Cyberbullying, Sexting, and Fake news are issues that affect all young people and therefore we believe that this news will help you to learn about some of the initiatives used to confront them.

You will find the link to the videos created by the Italian students aimed at other young people so that they do not fall into the danger of these behaviours that in many cases leads to the suicide of young people:

You can also download the student presentation: