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On February 3rd, the Italian students from the I.I.S. Mario Rigoni Stern Bergamo center and who are participating in the Erasmus KA202 project that our center runs made the presentation Stop Cyberbullying, Sexting and Fake News.

The Digital Citenzenship that brings together these three topics, it is part of the curriculum of the Italian centers, and all the centers develop activities related to them to present them during the February 7 of each year, which is the day that claims to raise awareness about these problems.

digital citizenship

Cyberbullying, Sexting, and Fake news are issues that affect all young people and therefore we believe that this news will help you to learn about some of the initiatives used to confront them.

You will find the link to the videos created by the Italian students aimed at other young people so that they do not fall into the danger of these behaviours that in many cases leads to the suicide of young people:

You can also download the student presentation:

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The logo of our center has been selected to be the emblem of the Erasmus KA2 project on the European eTwinning platform and also to be the logo that we will print on the t-shirts of the project. Congratulations to the students of IT VET courses! and especially to Raül!

Below we can see the result of the voting of each of the participating logos:





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The IT VET students from the groups SMX 10A, SMX 10B and SMX 11 wish you a Merry Christmas with the LOGOS that they have made to participate in the selection of the LOGO that will represent the Erasmus KA2 project that we are currently developing with them.

IMG 20201201 WA0002

IMG 20201214 WA0002

IMG 20201204 WA0006

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Banner posted on the Marianao Institute website to promote participation in the LOGO contest voting for the t-shirt making project.

concurs logo ka202

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Everybody can know and vote for the best LOGO, not only teachers or students, but also companies involved in the project. So, we think it is very exciting that everybody can assess our students' creations.

Participate and vote in this link !!



